
CONTACT director@ccwm.org

CCWM Missionary, undisclosed name is living in an undisclosed nation during this time, her main priority is to learn the language, but that is not an impediment to continue to serve. The goal is to be able to extend the kingdom of Christ among unreached people groups and make His name known.

How To Pray For Undisclosed Missionary

  1. For a smooth transition to a new country

  2. For the new language I need to learn

  3. For the new relationships I’ll make during this time

  4. For provision and faith in this new steps

  5. For courage

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Thank you for supporting God’s calling on a missionary’s life.


Checks can be written and mailed to:

Cup of Cold Water Ministries

P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541

*Earmark undisclosed missionary