Dorie Nilles

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Kenya, Rwanda & USA


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CCWM missionary Dorie Nilles is taking her thirty years of experience as a psychiatric nurse and a prayer warrior to Kenya, Rwanda, and the United States. Dorie gives ministry workshops on the intersection between spiritual and mental health. Dorie has experienced the blessing of witnessing tremendous breakthrough and freedom in the lives of many who have taken her workshops. Dorie is currently the founder and Director of Hope Renewed Ministries.

Please help Dorie continue this ministry by choosing one of the giving links below.

Last updated Fund Start Date December 28th, 10am


Checks can be written and mailed to:

Cup of Cold Water Ministries

P.O. Box 318 Newark, IL 60541

*Earmark Dorie Nilles

Dorie Nilles 1.jpg

How To Pray For Dorie

Thanksgiving for all the healing the Lord has provided and that He complete my healing to the end.

  1. Prayer partners to assist me in offering facilitated, healing prayer, especially one or two men.

  2. Wisdom and discernment regarding returning to Kenya: timing, who to partner in ministry there, and what to do upon return (preaching/teaching only or bring medical team as well.)

  3. Wisdom, discernment, and continued favor as I develop my consultation and teaching business.

  4. Wisdom, discernment, and provision for my spiritual grandson, Stanslaus Shiundu in Kenya as he begins work on developing his new business developing a Christian streaming service and television station in Nairobi.

Your tax-deductible receipt will be issued by Cup of Cold Water Ministries, a 501(c) 3 Public Charity.